1.   Did you get anything in the post today?

2.   Nobody gets anything, for nothing.

3.   What is lacking is the political will to get anything done about global warming.

4.   You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent.

5.   You can go down to the council and rant and rave, you still won t get anything.

6.   And if you can get anything in the way of a statement -- fine.

7.   Okay, anybody got anything of any other reports?

8.   Have you got anything Peter?

9.   Not get anything from them.

10.   Have we got anything in the cellar?

v. + anything >>共 486
do 23.81%
say 9.74%
have 8.54%
know 3.02%
see 2.63%
take 1.67%
mean 1.66%
hear 1.14%
buy 1.08%
get 1.03%
get + r. >>共 67
it 24.08%
they 11.67%
he 10.78%
that 5.82%
what 4.91%
one 4.54%
you 3.69%
i 3.48%
more 2.85%
something 2.39%
anything 0.90%
每页显示:    共 125