81.   If she does, you never know, you could still find her at the old gym, this time in the Band.

82.   An elderly woman who had been missing and feared dead is recovering in hospital after a helicopter search found her.

83.   Police and social workers called to her home in Bretch Hill in Banbury, found her on the floor of a filthy, stinking room, containing soiled sheets.

84.   She was found by her daughter.

85.   A body thought to be hers was found two months ago.

86.   When she was found wandering in a nearby allotment eight weeks ago Teka was painfully thin, bald and her paws were bleeding.

87.   Finding herself in severe financial straits she went along to the appropriate authority to ask for money to buy food for her children.

88.   Like Sukova, Graf found herself down a set before snapping to attention.

89.   Nurses who found her were reduced to tears when they read a heart-rending note pinned to her dress.

90.   She also wrote that he should not bother looking for her because he would not be able to find her.

v. + she >>共 1087
take 2.77%
see 1.94%
kill 1.69%
tell 1.46%
rape 1.23%
find 1.22%
help 0.98%
know 0.98%
treat 0.96%
call 0.96%
find + r. >>共 62
they 20.23%
he 19.16%
it 18.85%
she 5.83%
that 5.48%
one 3.07%
nothing 2.96%
what 2.39%
i 2.24%
something 2.00%
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