1.   An unabashed Mantle fan, Costas became the confidant in whose televised interview last year Mantle damned himself and the drinking that destroyed his family and his health.

2.   And Bush announced in a televised interview Friday that Texas would begin to distribute free trigger locks.

3.   As recently as this spring Ray said in televised interviews that he had not ruled out indicting Clinton nor had he decided to issue an indictment.

4.   Ashcroft said he will not grant media requests for televised interviews with McVeigh in the days leading up to the execution.

5.   After Hull disclosed that she wanted to lead the delegation, McCain laughingly dismissed the idea during a nationally televised interview.

6.   Bush requested the televised interview to explain his absence.

7.   British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who was on vacation in France, was visibly shaken when he gave a televised interview last night.

8.   But Clinton made an about-face on the issue on Monday night in a nationally televised interview, resolving that problem.

9.   But his wife, Linda, defended her husband and reasserted their ties to the Bush family in the second part of a televised interview Tuesday.

10.   But in a televised interview earlier this month, Nash told KNBC-TV anchor Paul Moyer he never ordered the hit.

a. + interview >>共 688
recent 17.74%
separate 4.10%
first 3.64%
brief 3.12%
televised 2.59%
exclusive 2.51%
personal 2.01%
taped 1.92%
live 1.69%
rare 1.55%
televised + n. >>共 367
debate 14.34%
address 13.52%
speech 8.23%
interview 5.37%
game 5.24%
image 1.95%
ceremony 1.82%
hearing 1.69%
trial 1.60%
statement 1.56%
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