1.   The special meetings were intended to raise morale.

2.   There will be a special meeting during the programme for those delegates who are Birmingham alumni.

3.   At a special meeting yesterday, proposals for a new airport were voted through by a huge majority.

4.   The special meeting of the General Committee to select a prospective candidate shall be convened by circular in terms prescribed by the National Executive Committee.

a. + meeting >>共 511
first 7.27%
cabinet 6.10%
annual 5.36%
emergency 4.26%
next 2.82%
private 2.38%
public 1.94%
separate 1.93%
special 1.93%
recent 1.72%
special + n. >>共 1057
team 4.49%
envoy 4.24%
prosecutor 1.73%
committee 1.49%
treatment 1.43%
meeting 1.43%
police 1.21%
attention 1.17%
commission 1.12%
event 1.12%
每页显示:    共 504