1.   All club members are requested to attend the annual meeting.

2.   Concern over the finances of the festival was voiced by treasurer of the Dolmetsch Foundation at the annual general meeting on Saturday.

3.   Indeed, Moffett worked at a breathless pace to ensure that those issues were addressed before the annual meeting took place.

4.   Prior to each annual meeting at which directors are elected, current management solicits the voting proxies of the stockholders.

5.   Some shareholders are unhappy with the running of the club and are concerned with the way the recent annual meeting was conducted.

6.   The annual general meeting of the city council then continued, chaired by the new Mayor.

a. + meeting >>共 511
first 7.27%
cabinet 6.10%
annual 5.36%
emergency 4.26%
next 2.82%
private 2.38%
public 1.94%
separate 1.93%
special 1.93%
recent 1.72%
annual + n. >>共 753
meeting 11.28%
report 5.49%
event 2.50%
conference 2.43%
budget 2.10%
pilgrimage 2.07%
summit 1.94%
convention 1.66%
fee 1.18%
review 1.07%
每页显示:    共 1401