71.   The devices simulate the look and feel of a standard book, but have the capability of storing the equivalent of several books.

72.   The Mets also made a mistake in bringing Phillips back so quickly, said Barbara Kate Repa, author of several books on employee rights and sexual harassment.

73.   The small device can store several books and will soon be available for patrons to check out.

74.   The second section comprises a series of essays about several books and their authors.

75.   Thompson, who has written several books on adolescents, tells of a seventh-grade boy who engaged in oral sex with an eighth-grade girl.

76.   Tim developed the LaHaye Temperament Analysis, based on the theory, and wrote several books advocating overcoming temperamental weaknesses with Christian virtues.

77.   We review several books.

78.   While he has written several books in recent years, West also served as an adviser on the presidential campaign of Bill Bradley and recorded a rap album.

79.   While several books sold well, it is impossible to know whether they generated earnings because the company does not disclose its finances.

80.   American actor John Turturro is losing weight to prepare for his role as Primo Levi, the Italian Jew who chronicled his experience at Auschwitz in several books.

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