91.   He wrote and co-wrote several books and wrote articles published in the California Social Science Quarterly, American History Illustrated, the Military Historical Review and Leatherneck Magazine.

92.   Jones has written several books, including two autobiographies, and is working on one about drawing.

93.   Kassorla has written several books and makes numerous television and radio talk show appearances.

94.   Michael Gurian, a family therapist who has written several books about father-son relationships, said seeing a father humbled can jolt a son into action.

95.   Naval divers recovered the body of a soldier, part of a wing, an oxygen bottle, an air crew bag, and several books.

96.   Netanyahu, who has written several books on combating terrorism, said the United States, like Israel, was experiencing a combination of domestic and international terrorism.

97.   She never testified, according to several books.

98.   She also taught art, wrote several books and campaigned to defend the copyrights of artists and writers.

99.   She also wrote several books on astrology, psychics and psychic phenomena, as well as collaborating with various experts on many self-help books.

100.   Syed Hussein is an author of several books.

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