21.   He has written several books and serves on numerous boards and councils in the Des Moines area.

22.   He also has written several books.

23.   He also published several books.

24.   He also served in the Army in Vietnam and worked as a journalist and for Rand Corp. in addition to writing several books and hundreds of articles.

25.   He often talked about writing several books, but never got around to them.

26.   He contributed to professional journals and was the author or editor of several books.

27.   He illustrated several books on dogs, and his popular paintings were reproduced on postcards.

28.   He published several books and many articles on educational issues.

29.   He published several books, and from the start his work was often exhibited in the best museums and galleries.

30.   He was an authority on Mao Zedong, about whom he published several books.

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