1.   Analysts said capital flow in January will set the tone for the regional currencies and equities.

2.   Any form of greater coordination to prevent a siege on regional currencies will be welcomed by Asian economies, analysts say.

3.   As regional currencies decline, assets in countries such as Thailand or Indonesia are relatively cheaper in Singapore dollar terms.

4.   As the baht slid, most regional currencies tumbled.

5.   Banks and real estate developers with investments across the region fell on concern of an earnings erosion because of the decline in the regional currencies.

6.   Banks also fell on concern that the regional currency crisis and higher interest rates could increase the risk of bad loans.

7.   A devaluation of the yuan could lead to further devaluations in other regional currencies, extending and deepening the crisis.

8.   Adding to that, worries over regional currencies and stocks continue to weigh on Hong Kong.

9.   Companies with regional operations fell on concern the erosion in the value of regional currencies against the U.S. dollar could hurt profit.

10.   Concern about regional currency stability and a debate about where the currencies should trade have sent all five into a spin in recent days.

a. + currency >>共 460
major 11.95%
single 11.58%
european 10.32%
foreign 9.65%
local 3.94%
asian 3.51%
new 3.12%
regional 2.84%
common 2.57%
national 2.40%
regional + n. >>共 949
leader 3.14%
government 2.67%
currency 2.62%
bank 2.15%
security 2.12%
market 1.47%
office 1.43%
company 1.38%
cooperation 1.28%
crisis 1.25%
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