1.   Also, some fund managers may prefer to keep money in the territory following the recent turbulence in some Asian currencies.

2.   Also damaging export returns, the New Zealand dollar has appreciated against many Asian currencies as they declined against the U.S. dollar.

3.   Also, weighing on the yen is turmoil in Asian currencies.

4.   And if the yen continues its decline, that could also fuel investor concern that Asian currencies in general will keep tumbling.

5.   And it has nothing to do with the economy or the current turmoil in Asian currency values, which may have spread to the dollar.

6.   Another damper on inflation has been a sharp decline in Asian currencies, starting with the Thai bhat last year and spreading recently to the Japanese yen.

7.   As Asian currencies appreciated against the dollar, their import bills -- which are in the U.S. currency -- shrank.

8.   As Asian currencies crumbled and stock markets crashed, panic spread around the world.

9.   As Asian currencies plunge against the dollar, their exports to the U.S. become much less expensive in dollar terms, undercutting the prices of U.S. producers.

10.   As Asian currencies weaken, their exports become cheaper than those of U.S. producers.

a. + currency >>共 460
major 11.95%
single 11.58%
european 10.32%
foreign 9.65%
local 3.94%
asian 3.51%
new 3.12%
regional 2.84%
common 2.57%
national 2.40%
asian + n. >>共 698
country 12.10%
market 9.46%
crisis 8.12%
nation 5.10%
economy 4.55%
currency 4.21%
tour 1.47%
stock 1.32%
company 1.13%
leader 1.09%
每页显示:    共 630