1.   However, the Government has proposed changing this so that the final Decision would be up to the DoE.

2.   As part of a property tax overhaul package, Bullock has proposed changing the homestead tax exemption, which would require a constitutional amendment and therefore a statewide election.

3.   Ashcroft proposed changing the amendment to ensure that relatives are consulted before a commutation.

4.   Before long, we bet, someone will propose changing the colors to red, white and gray.

5.   Gov. George Pataki was on the right track when he proposed changing some of the sentencing rules that have clogged New York State prisons with nonviolent drug offenders.

6.   He proposed changing the name of the country to Columbia.

7.   Pauken even proposed changing the primary to May to give the state more sway in the process.

8.   Reno told reporters last week she did not consult the White House before making her decision on Cisneros and that she would not propose changing the independent counsel law.

9.   Senators from New York and Maine have proposed changing the mission of the national reserves so that the president could release oil more easily.

10.   The Clinton administration proposes changing the program to target more erodible land, while allowing other acreage to return to production.

v-ing changing >>共 113
keep 19.59%
consider 15.69%
begin 6.45%
start 5.72%
include 3.77%
need 3.53%
mean 3.28%
propose 2.55%
oppose 2.55%
try 2.43%
propose v-ing >>共 424
using 3.90%
setting_up 3.62%
holding 2.96%
creating 2.78%
allowing 2.45%
giving 2.30%
eliminating 2.26%
making 2.12%
sending 1.88%
spending 1.83%
changing 0.99%
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