1.   Changing the eyepiece means changing the magnification.

2.   It just means changing it.

3.   And if students decide to abandon art degrees, it will mean changing majors, not reapplying to schools.

4.   At a minimum, that means changing the drug laws enacted under Gov. Nelson Rockefeller that impose long mandatory sentences on many low-level, nonviolent drug offenders.

5.   Becoming a White House physician meant changing from a specialist into a family doctor.

6.   Being a single parent meant changing his work hours so he can be home with Kelsey when he has custody.

7.   A bicycle in motion tends not to fall over as this would mean changing the axis about which the wheels turn.

8.   A healthy lifestyle also meant changing her diet.

9.   Advocates seeking to change the law say it may be an uphill battle because it also means changing public perceptions.

10.   Changing your manager does not necessarily mean changing your stripes.

v-ing changing >>共 113
keep 19.59%
consider 15.69%
begin 6.45%
start 5.72%
include 3.77%
need 3.53%
mean 3.28%
propose 2.55%
oppose 2.55%
try 2.43%
mean v-ing >>共 1001
having 3.11%
taking 2.37%
getting 2.32%
being 2.23%
going 1.83%
putting 1.81%
making 1.69%
losing 1.59%
giving 1.42%
keeping 1.15%
changing 0.66%
每页显示:    共 27