1.   As a Government, we wanted a good pharmaceutical industry but we also wanted good value for the health service.

2.   Howards began by manufacturing fine chemicals, especially the antimalarial drug quinine and its derivatives, for the pharmaceutical industry.

3.   She is a highly qualified research scientist whose contract, funded by the pharmaceutical industry, has come to an end.

4.   Success will require partnership with other states, international agencies, civil society and with the pharmaceutical industry.

5.   Switzer-land does not have a big enough population to support a solely domestic pharmaceutical industry.

6.   The pharmaceutical industry had a legitimate interest in seeing that their own branded drugs were prescribed.

7.   This evidence alone poses a serious question of ethics with regard to the pharmaceutical industry.

8.   This position calls for a thorough knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry and the role and nature of clinical development.

9.   When I worked in the pharmaceutical industry, trivial naming was taken to an extreme.

10.   In the pharmaceutical industry it is used as a suspending agent for liquids and as a binder in tablets.

a. + industry >>共 881
insurance 4.01%
banking 3.57%
pharmaceutical 2.14%
private 2.05%
financial 2.04%
recording 1.82%
local 1.66%
aerospace 1.61%
manufacturing 1.56%
state 1.52%
pharmaceutical + n. >>共 224
company 41.91%
industry 12.55%
product 4.60%
firm 4.08%
stock 2.55%
giant 2.51%
plant 1.92%
manufacturer 1.67%
business 1.50%
factory 1.43%
每页显示:    共 358