1.   As they try to cut stocks, this is likely to make a big dent in orders to manufacturing industry and importers.

2.   Attracting manufacturing industry into inner cities is not a feasible solution.

3.   Employment of general managers and top executives is projected to Decline in manufacturing industries overall.

4.   How will he instil confidence in the Market so that investment in manufacturing industry can really start again?

5.   It too has suffered a long-term Decline in the manufacturing industry combined with an accelerating boom in the service sector.

6.   Manufacturing industries are faced with Decreasing productivity and increasing international competition.

7.   Manufacturing industry has Declined, whilst service industries, which employ a lower proportion of manual workers, have expanded.

a. + industry >>共 881
insurance 4.01%
banking 3.57%
pharmaceutical 2.14%
private 2.05%
financial 2.04%
recording 1.82%
local 1.66%
aerospace 1.61%
manufacturing 1.56%
state 1.52%
manufacturing + n. >>共 528
sector 10.07%
plant 7.75%
activity 6.32%
company 5.39%
industry 5.06%
process 4.73%
facility 3.27%
job 3.07%
operation 2.92%
cost 2.22%
每页显示:    共 261