1.   A Novel needs to have some semblance of truth, or the reader will quickly lose interest in it.

2.   A tennis player needs to have very quick reflexes.

3.   A timeshare development in a resort area needs to have sufficient facilities to attract visitors all the year round.

4.   At that point he needs to have an uninterrupted view of the audience and they need a clear view of him.

5.   Babies need to have unbreakable dishes and cups.

6.   Before we can consider the details we need to have an overview of the whole situation.

7.   Before you embark on the Decoration, however, you need to have the practical considerations firmly in mind.

8.   Both counsellors and clients need to have a real understanding of what constitutes counselling.

9.   But if teachers are to take such Decisions they need to have access to these ideas.

v. to have >>共 196
seem 11.10%
have 7.45%
appear 6.70%
be 5.87%
go 5.40%
expect 4.86%
want 4.34%
hope 3.92%
believe 2.49%
need 2.46%
need to v. >>共 762
be 7.27%
do 3.85%
make 3.17%
get 2.95%
know 2.86%
help 2.67%
win 1.82%
take 1.74%
keep 1.72%
have 1.63%
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