1.   A commander in each county was to have charge of the local militia.

2.   Again, the seemingly trivial was to have wide implications.

3.   Albright was to have breakfast Saturday morning with former President George Bush, who helped to negotiate the treaty.

4.   All school systems are going to have to make similar innovative arrangements if school-to-work programs are to have a future.

5.   And how pleasant it was to have some one to spoil, thought Agnes, running the tap.

6.   As a general rule the only way to spend more per student was to have fewer students.

7.   At least this much has to happen if labor is ever to have a big comeback.

8.   Bishops and barons were to have the right to take one or two deer when passing through the royal forest.

v. to have >>共 196
seem 11.10%
have 7.45%
appear 6.70%
be 5.87%
go 5.40%
expect 4.86%
want 4.34%
hope 3.92%
believe 2.49%
need 2.46%
be to v. >>共 816
out 3.86%
meet 3.66%
be 3.25%
set 2.81%
find 2.34%
make 2.11%
get 1.45%
take 1.42%
have 1.31%
begin 1.19%
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