1.   As a Knesset member Weizmann could not be prosecuted unless the House Committee and the plenum voted to lift his immunity.

2.   Both men are members of Parliament, and after Parliament voted to lift their immunity from prosecution last month, they appealed to the Constitutional Court.

3.   But a decision to lift the immunity is not necessary yet for the criminal investigation to proceed.

4.   But legislators approved a revised bill that would allow Parliament to lift prosecutorial immunity by a simple majority vote.

5.   Here, too, the State Department asked Uganda to lift his immunity, but the envoy was recalled home.

6.   Kohl retains his seat in the lower house of parliament, which shields him from criminal prosecution unless parliament votes to lift his immunity.

7.   Nine Parliament members, shielded by immunity, were not taken into custody, but legislators defending the government talked about lifting their immunity so they could be prosecuted.

8.   She also faces the possibility that the Turkish Parliament may lift her immunity from prosecution and send corruption charges against her to the Supreme Court for investigation.

9.   The Duma refused to lift his immunity, so the charges were dropped.

v. + immunity >>共 157
grant 14.92%
have 12.71%
lift 9.42%
enjoy 8.28%
give 5.75%
receive 3.73%
waive 2.97%
claim 2.91%
offer 2.59%
provide 2.47%
lift + n. >>共 559
sanction 13.55%
ban 11.04%
embargo 6.24%
restriction 5.17%
weight 4.23%
price 1.99%
blockade 1.69%
spirit 1.50%
immunity 1.35%
curfew 1.25%
每页显示:    共 148