1.   After becoming president, Clinton was praised for pledging to enact a measure to lift the ban on homosexuals in the military.

2.   At a stroke he was lifting the ban on radios and newspapers.

3.   But lifting the ban could take weeks.

4.   His three-match ban has been lifted with immediate effect, freeing him for the First Division match at Huddersfield tomorrow.

5.   In a surprise move, the government lifted the ban on arms exports to the country.

6.   She dropped divorce proceedings hoping the ban would be lifted.

7.   The bill would lift a ban on U.S. pharmacists re-importing drugs.

8.   The government plans to lift its ban on cigar imports.

9.   The new laws also lift a ban on multiple trade unions operating in a single workplace, something workers have sought.

10.   The new prime minister agreed to lift the ban on opposition newspapers.

v. + ban >>共 366
lift 21.73%
impose 7.15%
enforce 3.73%
include 3.66%
support 2.49%
announce 2.38%
extend 2.01%
overturn 1.96%
end 1.76%
violate 1.65%
lift + n. >>共 559
sanction 13.55%
ban 11.04%
embargo 6.24%
restriction 5.17%
weight 4.23%
price 1.99%
blockade 1.69%
spirit 1.50%
immunity 1.35%
curfew 1.25%
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