1.   And Feinberg figures the country is in for a strong antidote to the Eurocentrism that keeps raising its head in the American musical establishment.

2.   And all this time I thought the problem was that I keep raising my head before my club makes contact with the ball.

3.   And under state law HIP, can keep raising rates without regulatory approval.

4.   Asked why the Democrats keep raising soft money despite his support for legislation that would end the practice, Clinton bristled.

5.   Because analysts kept raising their price targets as the stocks neared them, investors were emboldened to stay at the party even after the band had gone home.

6.   Bidders were so excited by the paintings that they ignored the estimates and just kept raising their paddles.

7.   A similar increase is planned this year and Chief Financial Officer Randolph Baker said today he expects to keep raising prices at about the level of inflation.

8.   A similar increase is planned this year and Chief Financial Officer Randolph Baker said he expects to keep raising prices at about the level of inflation.

9.   Both sides kept raising the stakes, bringing up new issues or making new threats in the mistaken belief that the other side would quickly back down.

10.   But they keep raising the bar on him.

v-ing raising >>共 118
begin 14.64%
consider 9.76%
have 8.96%
start 7.47%
keep 6.08%
avoid 4.58%
include 3.98%
propose 3.49%
continue 2.39%
support 2.39%
keep v-ing >>共 830
going 8.00%
coming 5.39%
getting 2.97%
trying 2.83%
working 2.48%
playing 2.07%
running 1.82%
talking 1.71%
growing 1.65%
fighting 1.54%
raising 0.37%
每页显示:    共 61