1.   Along with a steaming cup of coffee, this treat will provide enough stimulation to keep you going for several hours.

2.   And she kept going on about how I was being ripped off on the merchandising.

3.   Artificial complex systems will be deliberately infused with organic principles simply to keep them going.

4.   At meetings, we just keep going over the same ground.

5.   At one point, Bessie Hall tried to give up, but Misner persuaded her to keep going.

6.   Better-known candidates fell by the wayside, but Alexander kept going, like the indefatigable bunny in battery advertisements.

7.   Burning Bartle is not an especially spectacular event, but one which the local people are determined to keep going.

8.   But as the strikes kept going, the companies became frightened, because their authority had collapsed.

v-ing going >>共 391
keep 26.25%
get 13.55%
have 7.12%
be 5.22%
start 5.20%
stop 2.99%
consider 2.57%
avoid 1.88%
see 1.70%
end_up 1.56%
keep v-ing >>共 830
going 8.00%
coming 5.39%
getting 2.97%
trying 2.83%
working 2.48%
playing 2.07%
running 1.82%
talking 1.71%
growing 1.65%
fighting 1.54%
每页显示:    共 1319