31.   This was the first meeting since both Koreas had entered the UN.

32.   In a statement later that day Mehri confirmed that a first meeting had taken place between the FLN and FIS leaderships.

33.   The first meeting between the Foreign Ministers of CARICOM and of Central American states was held at the end of January in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

34.   The first meeting of the new forum was scheduled to take place in Paris in mid-July.

35.   Mr Malik had told Robert, Rafiq and Dr Ali at their first staff meeting.

36.   The press release explained that the venue for this historic first meeting in Malta between the Presidents had bee fitted with carpets designed and woven by Stoddard Mercia.

37.   Then, we will contrast each of these with accounts of first meetings with people we know well.

38.   Bearing in mind what you know about them now, write a brief account of your first meeting.

39.   In accounts that were given of first meetings we find that the situation is often important as it is usually mentioned.

40.   They differ in that when the impressions are described in the accounts of first meetings, the situation is important to the impression.

a. + meeting >>共 511
first 7.27%
cabinet 6.10%
annual 5.36%
emergency 4.26%
next 2.82%
private 2.38%
public 1.94%
separate 1.93%
special 1.93%
recent 1.72%
first + n. >>共 866
time 17.03%
half 3.66%
round 3.47%
day 2.41%
step 2.05%
game 1.75%
quarter 1.68%
year 1.32%
inning 1.07%
meeting 1.03%
每页显示:    共 1899