1.   Some lawmakers have even called for turning its functions over to private industry.

2.   You can even call an acrobat or a football player great.

3.   They are even calling for strikes for the first time in their history.

4.   Well you could even call it a system.

5.   An Olathe newspaper even called the sports network hoping to get a response.

6.   And he even called his comic book a graphic novel to get the attention of serious publishers.

7.   And his office could not even have called him at the motel in the evening.

8.   And many Muslim clerics over the centuries have written opinions strongly recommending beard-growing or even calling it an Islamic duty.

9.   And maybe we even should call it one of the best ever.

10.   And the plans even called for an adjoining teaching academy to share the innovations with educators nationwide.

d. + call >>共 389
also 34.42%
now 4.06%
repeatedly 3.05%
again 2.30%
then 2.22%
often 2.17%
home 1.81%
even 1.80%
never 1.74%
still 1.68%
even + v. >>共 989
have 4.75%
be 3.93%
get 2.28%
make 1.91%
take 1.56%
know 1.53%
consider 1.50%
try 1.30%
go 1.18%
think 1.06%
call 0.71%
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