1.   A public meeting was held to discuss the proposal to build a new school.

2.   He had discussed the proposal with the Egyptian president.

3.   N., Nizar Hamdoon, said Monday that his country would be willing to discuss the proposal without setting conditions.

4.   This week he met environment minister Tony Baldry to discuss Government proposals to give local authorities greater powers to curb illegal camping.

5.   Union representatives are huddling to discuss the proposal.

6.   The town has scheduled a public forum to discuss the proposal.

7.   Proposals are being discussed, for example, in which taxes will be collected by private companies, and social security benefits distributed directly via bank accounts.

8.   Councillors are meeting about now to discuss proposals to build a Coca Cola Schweppes distribution centre in Northampton.

9.   Councils have been discussing the proposal since a meeting last year with transport undersecretary Patrick McLoughlin.

v. + proposal >>共 421
reject 11.10%
make 4.92%
discuss 4.11%
submit 3.87%
accept 3.25%
approve 2.98%
consider 2.81%
present 2.59%
support 2.25%
study 2.04%
discuss + n. >>共 877
issue 8.73%
matter 3.99%
way 3.69%
detail 3.49%
plan 2.98%
situation 2.70%
case 2.65%
possibility 2.44%
problem 1.94%
proposal 1.62%
每页显示:    共 442