1.   And the Press Council called senior editors to the first extraordinary meeting convened in its twenty-seven-year history to discuss the matter.

2.   But later Monday the district attorney said he had not discussed the matter with the coroner since his election in December.

3.   But then goes on to discuss the matter purely in electoral terms.

4.   Can we begin by discussing matters arising from the last meeting?

5.   He had never before discussed such matters with his friend in holy orders.

6.   He issued a brief statement late Monday noting that he had discussed the matter with Rep.

7.   He was prepared to cancel his plans for civil disobedience and wanted to discuss the matter with the Viceroy.

8.   I backed into the house to discuss the matter with Narendra.

9.   I discussed the matter with John Montgomerie and on my own responsibility Decided to telephone Harold Wilson to seek his advice.

v. + matter >>共 547
discuss 16.94%
take 7.53%
complicate 5.52%
investigate 4.13%
settle 3.99%
handle 3.77%
resolve 3.40%
refer 2.77%
raise 2.34%
pursue 2.10%
discuss + n. >>共 877
issue 8.73%
matter 3.99%
way 3.69%
detail 3.49%
plan 2.98%
situation 2.70%
case 2.65%
possibility 2.44%
problem 1.94%
proposal 1.62%
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