1.   The Airlift Sales Group representatives remain as listed in catalogues and continue to represent other distributed publishers.

2.   Existing Czechoslovak embassies would continue to represent both countries in major countries such as the Twelve.

3.   Never a department to succumb to philosophical fashions, it continues to represent a wide variety of philosophical positions and approaches.

4.   Although his role was not part of the negotiated deal that was announced yesterday, Schieffer will remain club president and continue to represent the team in baseball matters.

5.   Both companies said they would continue selling the televisions under question and would continue to represent them as high-definition sets, despite the standard.

6.   AFSCME officials, who continue to represent service workers and medical technicians in the UC system, said they were surprised by their defeat.

7.   After a Cabinet meeting that examined whether Borer could continue to represent Switzerland credibly in light of the unabated accusations, Deiss announced the recall.

8.   Buckman said that he continues to represent minority defendants in criminal cases brought after stops on the turnpike.

v. to represent >>共 149
claim 8.33%
come 6.16%
want 4.60%
be 4.42%
seem 4.42%
appoint 4.34%
continue 4.25%
appear 3.30%
choose 3.30%
suppose 3.04%
continue to v. >>共 1009
be 5.34%
grow 2.32%
work 2.05%
rise 1.84%
play 1.45%
do 1.41%
make 1.31%
have 1.17%
operate 1.17%
fall 1.13%
represent 0.10%
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