1.   Mr Kobayashi was chosen to represent the company at the conference.

2.   They were chosen to represent a range of ages and degrees of driving experience.

3.   It is a very great privilege to be chosen to represent this ward for the next three years.

4.   And what have the whiz kids at Digicom chosen to represent in their virtual world?

5.   Because he could not afford a lawyer, he chose to represent himself.

6.   A primary is when voters choose someone to represent their party as its presidential candidate.

7.   After World War II, unidentified remains were chosen to represent both the European and the Pacific theaters.

8.   All the talk of history did not impress his lawyers, who are not with him in court because he has chosen to represent himself.

9.   But even Gent is mindful of the risk Goldman has taken by choosing to represent his company in the Mannesmann battle.

10.   Harrington was one of several women throughout history chosen to represent the product.

v. to represent >>共 149
claim 8.33%
come 6.16%
want 4.60%
be 4.42%
seem 4.42%
appoint 4.34%
continue 4.25%
appear 3.30%
choose 3.30%
suppose 3.04%
choose to v. >>共 1087
stay 3.71%
do 2.98%
go 2.87%
be 2.59%
take 2.24%
remain 1.96%
play 1.85%
make 1.77%
ignore 1.74%
leave 1.72%
represent 0.51%
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