1.   And the Chinese police were detaining thousands of Falun Gong members for practicing the form of exercise and meditation that the government had banned.

2.   And, yes, the Chinese police have made several raids on pirate factories lately.

3.   At that point, the Japanese report said, he tried in vain to block the Chinese police from moving the group into a waiting van.

4.   According to a Japanese government report, the Chinese police entered the consulate without consent and in violation of international treaties.

5.   But Chinese police stopped dissident astrophysicist Fang Lizhi from reaching a presidential dinner to which he had been invited at the U.S. embassy.

6.   But I promised not to show it around, because Chinese police could identify congregants who walked sorrowfully in the rubble.

7.   But this week, Chinese police arrested several hundred suspected drug traffickers and prostitutes in Zhuhai, the Chinese city that borders Macao.

8.   Chinese police also picked up Fu Sheng, a resident of Xian who signed the appeal to Clinton, and sent him by train to Qingdao on Wednesday.

9.   Chinese police officials refuse to issue her a national identity card, so Ms. Tong cannot get a job.

10.   Chinese police detained a handful of protesters outside the walled US Embassy compound.

a. + police >>共 634
palestinian 10.87%
local 6.95%
israeli 4.74%
serb 4.16%
state 3.93%
national 2.07%
armed 2.00%
serbian 1.84%
federal 1.70%
french 1.67%
chinese 1.01%
chinese + n. >>共 1038
official 6.76%
government 6.01%
leader 4.38%
authority 3.51%
rule 1.69%
company 1.66%
counterpart 1.14%
market 1.04%
police 1.02%
restaurant 0.97%
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