1.   Haier may need to depend less on the Chinese market because it is likely to face an increasing challenge on its own turf.

2.   Almost everything from apples to wine would have a better chance of getting into the Chinese market.

3.   American companies will be given access to Chinese markets to build cleaner power plants, more efficient automobiles and rural power stations.

4.   American access to Chinese markets will expand significantly through admission to the WTO.

5.   And if the aging dictators who rule one-fifth of the human race retaliate by excluding Disney from the vast Chinese market?

6.   And it points to inhumane conditions in the Chinese markets.

7.   Andrew Liveris, president of Dow Chemical Pacific Ltd., said the plant focus on supplying the Chinese market.

8.   Answering critics of permanent trade status, Roth said opening Chinese markets would also enhance democratic values there.

9.   At stake in this fight, though, is a large amount of money even for the potentially huge Chinese market.

10.   Barshefsky will also be pushing for more access to the Chinese market for U.S. citrus fruits and wheat.

a. + market >>共 657
financial 10.17%
emerging 3.43%
asian 3.19%
broader 2.97%
new 2.81%
free 2.60%
european 2.57%
international 2.33%
japanese 2.21%
local 2.04%
chinese 0.69%
chinese + n. >>共 1038
official 6.76%
government 6.01%
leader 4.38%
authority 3.51%
rule 1.69%
company 1.66%
counterpart 1.14%
market 1.04%
police 1.02%
restaurant 0.97%
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