31.   Chef Cheryl Smith had the assignment to make a meal for a couple of teachers who had nothing in the refrigerator but old Chinese food.

32.   Chinese food experts in this country contemplate this culinary disappointment with deep sadness.

33.   Chinese food mavens have offered suggestions to increase your chances.

34.   Chinese food became convenience fare.

35.   Chinese food is all about differences, distinctions in regional tastes, which can make cooking in Chinatown here difficult.

36.   Chinese food was simply too good to be true.

37.   Chinese food is not the only portable feast bidding for the mid-American dinner dollar.

38.   Chinese food is old hat, everybody eats Thai, and Vietnamese cooking has lost its novelty.

39.   Chinese food was their inevitable dinner.

40.   Castro admitted he misses certain things, most notably good Chinese food, and cannot find any restaurants that offer something so basic as Romano cheese.

a. + food >>共 920
good 2.32%
emergency 2.17%
pet 1.59%
modified 1.43%
free 1.41%
chinese 1.41%
processed 1.39%
fresh 1.38%
organic 1.35%
staple 1.33%
chinese + n. >>共 1038
official 6.76%
government 6.01%
leader 4.38%
authority 3.51%
rule 1.69%
company 1.66%
counterpart 1.14%
market 1.04%
police 1.02%
restaurant 0.97%
food 0.61%
每页显示:    共 178