1.   I think I just asked a lot of impertinent questions.

2.   She asked lots of questions during the interview.

3.   The investigators asked a lot of tough questions.

4.   The reporters were asking a lot of tough questions.

5.   They asked a lot of personal questions.

6.   They asked a lot of questions about the nature of our democracy.

7.   She asked a lot of embarrassing questions.

8.   She was asked a lot of hard questions.

9.   We were asked lots of difficult questions.

10.   She asked a lot of naive questions.

v. + lot >>共 402
have 20.16%
do 5.07%
spend 4.54%
get 4.18%
make 3.95%
take 3.70%
see 2.31%
learn 2.15%
mean 1.78%
know 1.48%
ask 0.58%
ask + n. >>共 1068
question 29.80%
permission 2.10%
authority 2.02%
people 1.99%
court 1.59%
lot 1.27%
judge 1.16%
doctor 1.05%
friend 1.02%
official 0.98%
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