1.   What are you asking the court to do?

2.   He can still settle or ask the court to award damages on the old basis of including something for the future risk.

3.   If ministers wish to stop a news story, they must ask the courts for an injunction -- they have no power to make a direct order.

4.   And the Clinton administration, represented by acting Solicitor General Walter Dellinger, joined with attorneys representing New York City in asking the court to overrule the decision.

5.   Attorneys representing Cisneros had asked a court in Lubbock, Tex., where Medlar now lives, to dismiss her lawsuit against him.

6.   A key moment comes when Sharpton forgives the man who stabbed him and asks the court for leniency.

7.   After all, this is a state that has asked the court for permission to keep executing mentally retarded inmates.

8.   After all, this is the state that has asked the court for permission to keep executing mentally retarded inmates.

9.   After losing to Davis, the NFL asked the court for guidelines regarding franchise moves in the future.

10.   Brittle also said that if Peabody does not come into compliance, the Dineh Alliance could ask the court for a temporary restraining order closing down mining at Kayenta.

v. + court >>共 595
leave 9.00%
tell 8.03%
hold 5.46%
ask 3.80%
take 3.24%
address 2.37%
set_up 2.32%
use 2.14%
face 1.96%
establish 1.61%
ask + n. >>共 1068
question 29.80%
permission 2.10%
authority 2.02%
people 1.99%
court 1.59%
lot 1.27%
judge 1.16%
doctor 1.05%
friend 1.02%
official 0.98%
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