1.   But the challenge is also being met in more conventional ways, and many chemicals look promising as potential anti-viral agents.

2.   Golden Friend also meets him on equal terms today.

3.   I had also met Nomura-san, who had retired from the Takarazuka Revue and now operated a small restaurant near our apartment.

4.   They will also meet you at the train stations.

5.   I also met with Pollack again to kind of shoot the bull.

6.   He also met Bush, congressmen and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and visited military installations.

7.   He also met Chinese Communist Party general secretary Jiang Zemin.

d. + meet >>共 264
also 17.86%
again 9.32%
where 6.53%
never 4.87%
here 4.13%
privately 2.99%
first 2.92%
later 2.91%
separately 2.89%
when 2.55%
also + v. >>共 856
say 5.73%
be 5.05%
have 4.37%
make 1.46%
include 1.16%
take 1.08%
call 1.07%
want 1.00%
help 0.99%
expect 0.91%
meet 0.68%
每页显示:    共 3643