81.   Domingo Cavallo, the former Argentine economic minister who conquered soaring inflation in his own country, described Fyodorov as a veritable soulmate during his recent visit here.

82.   Deputy Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers, in a recent visit to the colony, said the free market would see to that.

83.   During a recent visit from a reporter they asked repeatedly whether the U.S. government would put the children in an American orphanage where they could be given an education.

84.   During a recent visit to Brussels, he described NATO as a political rather than a military institution and called for closer cooperation between NATO and Russia.

85.   During a recent visit to our daughter and her family, my husband and I were in charge of our three grandchildren for a day.

86.   During a recent visit to the Berkshires, Chappellet talked about her philosophy of decorating.

87.   During a recent visit to the historic peninsula, we scoped out the best bites and great places to spend the night.

88.   During a recent visit to Tucson, Guerrero takes time to point out some of the places from his youth in the Barrio Viejo.

89.   During a recent visit, one young man was multiplying fractions, while at the next computer a younger girl did a punctuation drill, then a geography lesson.

90.   During a recent visit, the atmosphere looked auspicious for idling and there seemed little doubt that Harbor Town was as outgoing as Turley had hoped.

a. + visit >>共 423
official 14.92%
first 11.46%
state 7.88%
recent 4.45%
private 3.34%
brief 3.22%
planned 2.95%
papal 1.95%
second 1.82%
last 1.54%
recent + n. >>共 673
year 20.30%
week 9.12%
month 8.79%
day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
report 1.18%
study 1.09%
interview 1.05%
history 1.03%
visit 0.76%
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