61.   Iraq has said it would not accept the proposals now being considered in the Security Council for keeping it from acquiring weapons of mass destruction.

62.   Israel seemed surprised at the Palestinian unwillingness to accept the proposal.

63.   It was not known last night what Clinton might offer as an enticement to the broadcast industry to accept his proposal.

64.   It was not until she returned in August that she accepted his proposal, and they were married the next month.

65.   Jackson said he would be willing to accept two proposals, one from the states and another from the federal government, if the two groups cannot agree.

66.   Kosovar Albanians accepted the proposal during recent talks in France, but Milosevic rejected it.

67.   Leaders from other labor organizations said union members might have accepted a proposal with lower wage increases and without strong job-security guarantees.

68.   Lifflander said the boards of both the Coffee and Cotton Exchanges should look at the financial benefits to their members in deciding which proposal to accept.

69.   Ms. Meier expects to learn whether her proposal has been accepted by mid-November.

70.   Most of the prohibitions would take effect immediately if Clinton accepts the Forest Service proposal.

v. + proposal >>共 421
reject 11.10%
make 4.92%
discuss 4.11%
submit 3.87%
accept 3.25%
approve 2.98%
consider 2.81%
present 2.59%
support 2.25%
study 2.04%
accept + n. >>共 1100
offer 4.34%
invitation 3.07%
resignation 2.95%
responsibility 2.61%
money 2.36%
plan 2.18%
proposal 1.86%
bribe 1.80%
job 1.45%
donation 1.09%
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