1.   Alvin accepted the invitation and planned for the tour with all his usual energy and sense of organization.

2.   Are you going to accept their invitation to the wedding?

3.   He accepted the invitation to stay with us.

4.   He readily accepted her invitation .

5.   I accepted the invitation to occupy the right-hand seat and play the role of captain.

6.   I Decided not to accept their invitation.

7.   In a moment of weakness the President had accepted the invitation.

8.   Perhaps she had already compromised herself beyond recall by accepting the invitation.

9.   She accepted his invitation to dinner.

10.   She had accepted the invitation as a walk on the very wild side.

v. + invitation >>共 226
accept 24.11%
decline 11.01%
receive 9.68%
extend 8.65%
issue 5.90%
send 3.70%
refuse 2.70%
get 2.58%
reject 2.49%
withdraw 1.45%
accept + n. >>共 1100
offer 4.34%
invitation 3.07%
resignation 2.95%
responsibility 2.61%
money 2.36%
plan 2.18%
proposal 1.86%
bribe 1.80%
job 1.45%
donation 1.09%
每页显示:    共 577