51.   And the total number of jobless workers collecting benefits -- though up a bit in the most recent report -- shows a long-term decline.

52.   And recent reports by Dataquest and International Data Corp. show Hewlett-Packard gaining market share in personal computers and servers.

53.   And when a recent NCAA report shows that female basketball players suffer twice as many serious knee injuries as males -- and six times more anterior cruciate ligament tears?

54.   And why, after his department was already shaken by the recent Mollen Commission report on police corruption, look for more trouble?

55.   And, because of it, the industry has been losing money for three years, according to a recent Wall Street Journal report.

56.   And, they closely followed recent reports that the United States is allegedly changing its strategy for keeping Hussein in check.

57.   As a senator, Ashcroft was the leading recipient of campaign contributions from clergy and religious organizations, according to a recent report by the Center for Responsive Politics.

58.   At the same time, recent reports on housing, consumer spending and employment have shown signs of improvement.

59.   At the same time, South Texas leads the nation in cocaine seizures at international ports of entry, according to a recent Customs report.

60.   Based on recent financial reports, the eventual cost could cause a collapse, like a castle of desert sand.

a. + report >>共 514
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recent + n. >>共 673
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day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
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