21.   I shall bring this question up at the next meeting.

22.   The proposal will go before the Planning Committee at their next meeting.

23.   As I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting.

24.   Will you be able to make the next meeting?

25.   The town council hopes to prioritize the bridge construction project at the next meeting.

26.   The committee tabled the issue until the next meeting.

27.   These and other issues will be discussed at the next meeting.

28.   In answer to your question, our next meeting will be on Friday.

29.   The next meeting between the two sides was expected to take place in early May.

30.   It also ordered that the cases of all remaining political prisoners should be considered before its next meeting.

a. + meeting >>共 511
first 7.27%
cabinet 6.10%
annual 5.36%
emergency 4.26%
next 2.82%
private 2.38%
public 1.94%
separate 1.93%
special 1.93%
recent 1.72%
next + n. >>共 480
day 13.91%
season 7.53%
year 7.08%
week 5.00%
month 3.96%
step 3.33%
morning 2.83%
time 2.73%
spring 2.11%
round 2.03%
meeting 1.17%
每页显示:    共 737