21.   As Japan and other Asian economies plunge into recession, they will also import less from Europe.

22.   As well, slowing Asian economies are damping demand for U.S. exports and are expected to slow U.S. growth, keeping a lid on inflation.

23.   Asian economies have since recovered much of their losses, and many European countries are also doing better.

24.   Asian economies, where chip companies did big business until the currency crisis that struck last fall, are starting to show signs of life, Edelstone said.

25.   Asian market losses will also affect the broader market as investors express concern the profits of Canadian exporters will be lower because of slowing Asian economies.

26.   Aside from China, it is really the only Asian economy of any monumental consequence.

27.   Asian economies from Indonesia to Thailand to South Korea have been roiled in recent months as their currencies and stocks plunge amid mounting foreign debts.

28.   Asian economies have been hit hard in recent months by a financial crisis, causing interest rates to rise and currencies to tumble.

29.   Asian economies slowed down, oil consumption dropped, and suddenly there were oceans of surplus crude.

30.   At the center, as always, was Japan, the most powerful Asian economy, now mired in its sixth year of little or no growth.

a. + economy >>共 567
global 4.44%
slowing 4.17%
japanese 3.91%
strong 3.15%
asian 2.99%
local 2.91%
american 2.43%
new 2.41%
national 2.03%
booming 1.98%
asian + n. >>共 698
country 12.10%
market 9.46%
crisis 8.12%
nation 5.10%
economy 4.55%
currency 4.21%
tour 1.47%
stock 1.32%
company 1.13%
leader 1.09%
每页显示:    共 682