11.   Emerging autonomy - the employees begin to define their own role but still need guidance.

12.   Even though Polly still needs it, the authorities have taken the wheelchair away from her.

13.   However, it is clear that we still need to distinguish between different advantages which can be distributed unequally.

14.   However, you will still need to get used to wearing them before embarking on a long trek.

15.   I put a star next to the items that we still need to buy.

16.   I still needed money so I had to carry on working the streets.

17.   I think we still need to practice some more.

18.   Ideally, I still needed to find a doctor, a photographer, an artist, and a shipwright.

19.   It still needs to be strengthened.

20.   Kelsey spent five weeks on a ventilator and still needed extra oxygen until last week.

d. + need >>共 281
also 12.25%
still 12.24%
really 6.13%
desperately 5.54%
just 4.42%
now 3.92%
badly 3.22%
more 2.81%
most 2.50%
only 2.30%
still + v. >>共 866
have 10.08%
be 5.85%
need 1.83%
hold 1.67%
try 1.49%
face 1.31%
look 1.14%
live 1.11%
go 1.09%
want 1.02%
每页显示:    共 2115