11.   And the strategy worked beautifully -- until late in the final quarter.

12.   Another Edinger field goal in the third quarter and a Packers field goal by Ryan Longwell in the final quarter by Ryan Longwell ended the scoring.

13.   As for the Celtics, the sins of the past jumped out of the Madison Square Garden woodwork to bite them in the final quarter.

14.   Beijing has been applying tight quotas on new lending since the final quarter of last year in a bid to bring down inflation.

15.   Besides Patrick Ewing, the Knicks had Allan Houston, Larry Johnson, Chris Childs and John Starks on the floor in the latter part of the final quarter.

16.   Bledsoe kept firing in the final quarter.

17.   A steady increase in production that started last April boosted output to record levels in the final quarter of last year, the statistics department said.

18.   After the half-ending blunder, the Raiders did not even get a first down until midway in the final quarter.

19.   Against the Hurricanes, he picks off a pass in the final quarter that leads to a touchdown in the final minute and sends the game into overtime.

20.   But as the final quarter wore on, the Nets stubbornly held on to the lead.

a. + quarter >>共 285
fourth 20.48%
third 18.37%
first 16.98%
second 16.92%
last 2.17%
current 1.76%
consecutive 1.61%
living 1.32%
final 1.19%
recent 0.94%
final + n. >>共 723
decision 5.81%
game 3.56%
round 3.42%
day 3.06%
minute 2.66%
result 2.28%
approval 2.26%
year 1.46%
report 1.46%
vote 1.43%
quarter 0.46%
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