1.   Under the scheme, each branch has been set two targets in the current quarter.

2.   In the current quarter, it cover two areas.

3.   An expected decline in spending by corporations will probably drive both revenues and earnings down during the current quarter, Dell said.

4.   Analysts said Digital indicated in a conference call that its struggling personal computer business will show growth in the current quarter and make money within the next few quarters.

5.   Analysts saw virtually no chance of a turnaround in the current quarter, but Samsung Electronics said it had no immediate plans to curtail production.

6.   Analysts said production is likely to fall a bit further in the current quarter.

7.   Analysts expected Sonus to be profitable in the current quarter.

8.   And the flatness is continuing in the current quarter, the company said.

9.   Apple also sounded a new note of caution for the coming year, as it revised its earnings forecast for the current quarter and fiscal year.

10.   Apple also indicated it would take additional charges in the current quarter to cover its ongoing reorganization, as well as write-downs on excess inventory.

a. + quarter >>共 285
fourth 20.48%
third 18.37%
first 16.98%
second 16.92%
last 2.17%
current 1.76%
consecutive 1.61%
living 1.32%
final 1.19%
recent 0.94%
current + n. >>共 1075
law 3.14%
system 3.03%
crisis 2.26%
situation 2.02%
level 1.95%
government 1.32%
president 1.07%
issue 1.04%
price 0.97%
problem 0.96%
quarter 0.92%
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