71.   The issue is critical because the perjury articles are considered to have the best chance of passage in the House.

72.   The law bars workplace discrimination against otherwise qualified workers with physical or mental disabilities, and also covers those who are considered to have a disability.

73.   The Queen of England, Forbes Magazine, the Kremlin State Museum and Hillwood Museum in Washington are considered to have the best Faberge collections at the moment.

74.   The price sparked a rally in local gaming companies that carry lower multiples or are considered to have more valuable properties..

75.   The Reds, considered to have some of the top young talent, traded second baseman Pokey Reese to the Colorado Rockies on Tuesday.

76.   The reports are widely considered to have the most influence on the bond markets.

77.   The perjury accusation is the one that is considered to have the best chance of passing the full House.

78.   The Rio Grande do Sul region in southern Brazil is considered to have tremendous growth potential, analysts said.

79.   The reports are widely considered to have the most influence on bond markets.

80.   The three domestic-owned firms of Disney, Time Warner and Viacom are considered to have the upper hand although each has its own weakness.

v. to have >>共 196
seem 11.10%
have 7.45%
appear 6.70%
be 5.87%
go 5.40%
expect 4.86%
want 4.34%
hope 3.92%
believe 2.49%
need 2.46%
consider 0.60%
consider to v. >>共 147
be 78.11%
have 9.37%
replace 0.47%
provide 0.35%
represent 0.35%
help 0.29%
hold 0.23%
belong 0.23%
pose 0.23%
constitute 0.17%
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