51.   Milosevic was considered to have major responsibility for encouraging Serbian nationalists in the war in Croatia and Bosnia that began after the former Yugoslavia disintegrated.

52.   Miami is considered to have the edge.

53.   Muscular, hard-throwing Julio Santana, a converted shortstop from the Puerto Rico, is considered to have the best physical skills among Rangers prospects.

54.   Neither school is considered to have even an outside chance at the national championship.

55.   On the contrary, these publicly held property companies are generally considered to have durable strengths, with low debts and steady income from rents.

56.   Pataki, a Republican who is widely considered to have in interest in national office, said he was concerned about using the police to investigate voter fraud.

57.   Reggie Wayne is considered to have great hands, and some scouts felt he ran the best pass routes among the receivers in this draft.

58.   She is widely considered to have a sharp command of the law and of her courtroom.

59.   Spacey is proudest of the performances he got out of his troupe, none of whom was considered to have enough drawing power to carry a film.

60.   Stoudamire is considered to have more NBA potential.

v. to have >>共 196
seem 11.10%
have 7.45%
appear 6.70%
be 5.87%
go 5.40%
expect 4.86%
want 4.34%
hope 3.92%
believe 2.49%
need 2.46%
consider 0.60%
consider to v. >>共 147
be 78.11%
have 9.37%
replace 0.47%
provide 0.35%
represent 0.35%
help 0.29%
hold 0.23%
belong 0.23%
pose 0.23%
constitute 0.17%
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