1.   But his cautious approach to negotiations with colleagues underscores the difficulties in getting doctors to agree on money-saving measures.

2.   But his success only underscores the difficulty of doing so.

3.   But the First Lady also argued that the struggle had underscored the difficulty in passing ambitious social legislation in the modern political era.

4.   But the first lady also said that the struggle underscored the difficulty in passing ambitious social legislation in the modern political era.

5.   But the incident underscored the difficulties that Kim will face while ruling the country with a party that commands only a minority of votes in the National Assembly.

6.   But the story underscores the difficulty in determining who to trust.

7.   Economic indicators released Thursday underscored the difficulty that policy makers face in keeping the economy from developing even deeper problems.

8.   Even though the agenda battle was resolved, it underscored the difficulties in wresting an agreement from both sides, the US official said.

9.   Freeh also disclosed the results of other investigations of bureau leaks to reporters that seemed to underscore the difficulty of identifying agents who disclose information without authorization.

10.   However, the walkout underscores difficulty the company will have in shedding jobs as it struggles to increase efficiency to meet competition from a host of nimble competitors.

v. + difficulty >>共 299
have 50.02%
face 9.00%
experience 2.78%
encounter 2.41%
cause 2.01%
overcome 1.99%
acknowledge 1.54%
underscore 1.23%
cite 1.21%
pose 1.05%
underscore + n. >>共 481
need 9.41%
importance 6.24%
point 5.83%
difficulty 3.22%
fact 2.56%
problem 2.25%
concern 2.20%
difference 1.79%
risk 1.64%
message 1.53%
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