1.   Farmers are becoming increasingly angry about it.

2.   Bulls coach Phil Jackson was ejected with four seconds left in the first half after he became angry about a technical foul called on Dennis Rodman.

3.   He said that Webster became angry about how he was shoveling dirt into the grave.

4.   The fatal confrontation began after Junta became angry about slashing and checking at what was supposed to be a non-contact scrimmage that Costin was supervising.

5.   The confrontation began after Junta became angry about slashing and checking at what was supposed to be a non-contact scrimmage, which Costin was supervising.

v. + angry + about >>共 8
be 90.24%
get 3.96%
remain 2.13%
become 1.52%
grow 0.91%
feel 0.61%
make 0.30%
seem 0.30%
become + angry + p. >>共 9
at 38.10%
with 34.92%
over 9.52%
about 7.94%
after 3.17%
as 1.59%
in 1.59%
to 1.59%
under 1.59%
每页显示:    共 5