71.  Depending on your mood, you'll think this reappearing "I" is arty or distracting.

72.  Depending on your needs, it's worth comparing it to these when you go test driving.

73.  Depending on your state of mind, it can make you feel either safely cloaked in the darkness or paranoiacally certain that you're being followed.)

74.  Depending on your version of Windows 95, you may also have a drop-down box that will let you change the refresh rate.

75.  Depending upon what's available, perhaps you can batch some of your other paid time off with the vacation benefit.

76.  Depending upon where you place your woofer, you will either get plenty of good bass, boomy bass or very little of either.

77.  Depends on how you define luxe.

78.  Depends on what kind of people you're talking about, I suppose.

79.  Depends on where you live.

80.  Depends on which brand of cake mix you've bought, according to The Chronicle's tasters.

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