51.  Depending on how much you value yourself, you might conclude a deal on the spot.

52.  Depending on how you configure a system, though, either or both could be in use.

53.  Depending on how you define it, you can come up with radically different business models and valuations."

54.  Depending on how you look at it, China either has a gigantic market for mergers and acquisitions or virtually none at all.

55.  Depending on how you look at it, we're second or third in the national standing.

56.  Depending on the chemistry of how parenting works, you're going to see a positive or negative effect on children."

57.  Depending on the degree of detail you receive on your 401(k) statement, you'll need to create either a tax-deferred investment account or an asset account.

58.  Depending on the importance of the assignment, asking for help could save you serious headaches down the road.

59.  Depending on the nature of your crime, some places absolutely will not consider you.

60.  Depending on the paper you choose, the number of lines per inch could easily be 65, 85, 100 or even higher.

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