101.  Depending on which retelling you believe, Woolf either struck the dirt track head-first, or his helmeted skull first struck the wooden rail.

102.  Depending on which team you want to win the series, there are two answers on what it was that gave the Knicks the edge.

103.  Depending on which word-processing program you use, this is called an ASCII file, DOS text or text file.

104.  Depending on who you are, that might be a good thing.

105.  Depending on who you ask, it could be the hottest fad from Japan since the Tamagotchi virtual pet.

106.  Depending on who you talk to, one of two things happened Tuesday afternoon at the Georgia Dome, where American Olympic history was made.

107.  Depending on who you talk to, summer '95 is either poised to beat that record or shouldn't even attempt to.

108.  Depending on who you talk to, the industry has reached, or is coming close, to the cycle's low point.

109.  Depending on who you talk to, the players' wish list varies as far as priorities.

110.  Depending on whom you ask, the Chinese chair masseurs are either charlatans or chiropractic wonders.

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