71.  As a breathless Avants gathered her rackets, an autograph seeker asked, "How old are you?"

72.  Depending on the degree of detail you receive on your 401(k) statement, you'll need to create either a tax-deferred investment account or an asset account.

73.  Depending on the faucet you may need a common tip or a Phillips, although some use both.

74.  Depending on the grape varietal, where it is from and how it has been cellared, you will get different flavors.

75.  Depending on the importance of the assignment, asking for help could save you serious headaches down the road.

76.  Depending on the interest level, you might take an equity position in Netscape, with the ability to expand the position later."

77.  Depending on the interest level, you might take an equity position in Netscape."

78.  Depending on the luminary you are lighting, candles can be found for $1 to $3 each.

79.  Depending on the manufacturer, you may be able to replace the thing yourself.

80.  Depending on the nature of your crime, some places absolutely will not consider you.

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