71.  A religious person might view these events as a sign from above.

72.  According to a letter to the Justice Department from Deputy Defense Secretary John White, Pentagon officials viewed the divestiture as necessary to maintain competition.

73.  Ackman and other infectious-disease experts no longer view these episodes as isolated incidents.

74.  About half the public views Saudi Arabia as a friend of the United States but not an ally.

75.  Academics view such stars as Michelle Pfeiffer in a symbolic moment from one of her early flicks.

76.  After decades of armed struggle, the majority of Colombians view the FARC as rebels without a righteous cause, analysts say.

77.  All season, the Golden State Warriors have viewed playing defense as torture.

78.  All this reverberated in other Latin American markets, as traders tended to view Latin America as a monolith.

79.  Bristol has never viewed his work as art.

80.  British financial managers view the collapse as a failure of supervision at Barings, not a system flaw that threatens all institutions.

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